Friday, February 25, 2011

Like a treasure hunter looking for gold...

I sat down a few months ago and did an estimate of what I thought equipment was going to cost me. I looked all over, new/used etc for median prices, with the thought that the economy is so sucktastic I should be able to get some really good deals (it is a sad fact that many restaurants are going out of business).

My original estimate looked something like this:

  • Smoker $2000

  • VacMaster $1800

  • Freezer $1200

  • Fridge $1200

  • Cold Display $2500.00

  • Kegerator: $1200

  • Steam Table $800

  • Slicer $600

  • Sandwich Prep $1000

  • Fryer: $600

  • Tables: 5 @ $35

  • Chairs: 20 @ $15

  • Bar Stools: 6 @ $50

  • POS System: $2000

  • Hand Sinks: $300

  • Prep Sinks: $400

  • 3 Comp Sink: $500

  • Mop Sink $300

For a total of about $170000.00

Well I already found a great deal on the cold display ($700) and the kegerator ($750) and today I found a Hobart slicer for $350! This is SO cool! This means I've already chopped $2500 off my potential total. I also saw a commerical smoker on Craigslist for $1800. I might wait until the very end to buy my smoker, because if I save enough money on the other items I might be able to splurge on the Alto-shaam smoker I really want. I've seen it online used for $3k this week.

I should also be able to get all the sinks used already plumbed.

I looked thru the tome that is the Health Department's "Plan Check Guidelines for New and Remodeled Retail Food Facilities" yet again this morning. I really need to get a copy to Dave... it is voluminous. Not something to read whilst one is all hopped up on pain meds for sure (albiet, I am starting to feel better, thank goodness!).

I also ordered my t-shirts and aprons. I am trying to prioritize according to what needs a bunch of lead time. I am SUPER Excited about Ob doing this mural thing on one of the walls and hosting Esme's art on the other wall, with Ysabeau doing my patio plantings... I am so SO lucky that I know so many talented artists.

I was having this email discussion with Giles about food and life in general... I am not a food snob (despite turning my nose up at hamburgers)... you guys who are artists will understand what I am about to say (and I use the word Artist here in a very broad sense) things that are made by hand by people who have passion and love for what they do have a life... a vibration and energy... that things made in a factory do not. I love my friends and I am grateful for the soul their art embues into my life.

I have always felt loved by a generous God/dess and blessed by the richness of the universe more than I deserve. You can't just be blessed with amazing children, amazing people, an amazing lover, gifted with "sweet hand" AND also have magical match making powers and not think to yourself... "Ok the universe has done all this stuff for me... I better get my butt in gear and show the universe the depths of my appreciation."

It is amazing how gratitude can flavor a life. LIFE IS YUMMY!

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