Note: For people looking to open a restaurant, go to the health department FIRST.
So I traipsed down to the buidling deparment to see if I needed like... anything to get started on the remodel etc. They said, in that way that makes me think like DUH everyone is supposed to know this stuff, that I needed to go to the health department. The Health Department is the key apparently.
So I go over with my little drawing and they send a very nice man ou
t to "plan check". Plan check guy says... if there is seating, ANY seating, you must have public access to your bathroom that does not go thru your prep area. Well the current layout is like this so clearly the access would go right in the middle of the food prep area, which is no bueno . So I call David in a panic and ask him what I can do?

He suggests a smaller water-closet type bathroom near the front, like this. But now, if we add a bathroom, this may mean I have to get real plans drawn up and a much more complicated permitting process. So I am feeling a little bit panicky about it all.
He seemed to think if I go in with my little visio drawing, I will have a much greater chance of getting it signed off on, than if he does it (they want a lot more stuff from a contractor). So tonight I am taking the 2000 page booklet from the Health Dept and trying to fill in all of the stuff they want. It seems so needlessly complicated.
But on the plus side, a freind of mine who is a real estate attorney has offered to help me set up a LLC to reduce my liability. The front entrance is not ADA compliant. It is grandfathered in until I try to change something, but you can be sued for not having handicap access.
I have to admit, I am feeling super anxious about the project again. BUT David seemed pretty cool about the idea of the added bathroom, and I do have this ginourmous booklet to help me try and figure it all out.
OH the other thing that is making me anxious is they are not going to let me use a smoker on site, so I will have to try and work something out with the school to come in a smoke the pastramis etc and just front load it until I can get the stuff done to add a hood. David had some good ideas on how to help get that done cheaply. It's so SO frusterating tho.
I just don't see how anyone ever opens a business in California! The Taurus in me is feeling extremely stubborn about it, however....
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