Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Woo to the Hoo!

Today Stein and I dropped by the restaurant to meet with Compupay, which is a payroll services company. It ended up being about $60 a month for them to do all of the payroll tax figuring etc for up to 6 employees and cut the checks and automatically deposit them. I am relieved I don't have to decipher payroll taxes and all of that stuff! We then met with the artist painting the mural in the restaurant. As we were getting ready to go to lunch, a guy walked into the restaurant and said he was the contractor that Stan had hired to do the ADA stuff. YAY! We chatted a bit and then we exchanged business cards.

It sounds like he will be starting with his part once the retrofit is done. So I got THAT going for me :) We walked over to Creek Monkey and had lunch after then the kids went to the best candy shop in the world (Main St Sweets) and got ice creams :)

One of my friends from the SCA popped in (Robert) to see if we were open yet and we chatted a bit. Then Stein and I popped over to the kitchen and made 25 # of bratwurst and Andoiulle and then a bunch of mustard. We will deliver to my favorite Sausage Truck owner in the City tomorrow.

We are also meeting with the Health Department tomorrow to get a list of stuff to get done so we can get permitted, then with David and Dino to try and tie up loose ends. We bumped into Stan a few days ago and he was really upset... and it was clear no one is communicating any more. He's been so confrontational with Dino that it's all white noise now, but I would like to know if some of his concerns should be addressed. I fear my lack of experience in restaurant design is the real problem and the plans were so incomplete when they started they just couldn't be as organized about stuff as is normal in these situations. Plus... it made me sad to see how badly communication had broken down. We've tried to call Stan to get as list of his concerns and he isn't calling us back. He really is not a bad person and his honey is really lovely local honey. I would love to be a regular buyer of his products. Oh well, I hope things get better soon.

I was super excited to see that there is a plan forming for the ADA fix too... man, this thing might actually be happening! I am SO stoked!

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