Today Stein, Brion, Galen and myself put the large equipment into the facility. There were some real challenges due to the sidewalk being about 6 inches lower than the front door. But we were expecting that part to be a challenge and everyone pulled together and overcame.
We had a couple of really inebriated guys come by and start messing with stuff, and Brion almost got into a fist fight. There is a really dive bar around the corner and up a block... like one of those ones where not everyone has all of their teeth and I've seen girls come in and out of the place wearing no shoes, halter tops and misspelled ink. It is not very noticeable during the week, but on the weekends when most other places are closed... it is more so.
So we got up early and headed into Oakland to Danny's place where we picked up the refrigerators/freezer and then headed back to the storage unit. The guys got everything loaded with remarkably little fuss and we headed to the restaurant and started unloading stuff. My mom and her husband stopped by
Stein and Galen and I walked down to El Tapatio and had lunch and this GIGANTIC margarita. The food was good and inexpensive.
Anyway, it was so awesome to really be able to get the stuff in there and brain storm how we are going to organize the space! We nearly cleaned out the storage unit (everything but the catering stuff) so I will downsize that next week as well.
Our... I am not sure what to call it? Caseworker? Our guy from the Health Department is named Phoung and I know people complain about the health department, but they have really been awesome. I mean it is a REALLY difficult process, and be glad it is for you own health! But they are also SO SO good about helping you understand the requirements. Our guy is coming down informally on Tuesday to go over everything so we can get in there to get permitted.
They are clearly working on the earthquake retrofit, but I am still not sure if they have a plan to fix the ADA stuff? I will have to call Stan about it next week. Sadly I suspect he thinks we will open without it if he stalls long enough, but I just can't afford to be sued so I can't open until it's fixed. Thankfully I suspect it is a much easier fix than the earthquake stuff. And I might get lucky and he might actually be working on it!
Either way... things are progressing! I will have a better idea of timing after we see Phong this week.
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