So I am paused until my plumber gets me the new plans. The building dept and county sanitation need them before they can go forward, I had a set but they didn't scan well and so they are not readable, plus we added a floor drain by the range... so the new set is "in the mail" and I hope to get them today so I can go make copies and then walk them over to the various places that need them.
While I am in Martinez I will go get a copy of my divorce decree (don't ask me WHY ABC needs this, but they do). I have a ton of paperwork regarding my divorce at the house, but I have no idea WHICH thing they need, so this is the easy $6 way to find out. 
I have the new plans with the ADA fix for the front entrance and I really like them a lot. I also picked up some disposeable cameras today to take hard copy pictures of some of my equipment so I can bring them with me to Beltane, where I have meetings with two brides (on at the event and one on the way home) so I can show them some of the serving wear and see if they want to use it. I may try to get some of the pictures of my food printed up as well. I am SO bad about taking photos of my food, which is weird because I LOVE pretty food like the fruit skewers at Cyneswith's party last year.
So, once I get the plumbing plan and cash I will drive the stuff over to County Sanitation and also to the Building Dept. After I get the divorce decree I will drive that stuff over to ABC and also give them a check for the additional caterers license. Then it's just... wait for everyone to respond.
But in the meantime, Stein and I will be making some sausages next week for a potential new client (T-Rex in Berkeley). I am really excited about the sausages! I hit World Spice in Seattle last weekend and got some really cool stuff (like cubeb berries and poivre rouge and sichuan peppercorns) that I am going to incorporate into these smoked and emulsified sausages. I am running SO low on my staple items like capicolla and Tuscan salami that I know I need to get on this, but this week is shot. I can at least prep and order product for the items.
Let me know if you want me to do a World Spice or Pensey's run for you before Antir West