And what situation is that you might ask? I filed about 8 weeks ago for my LLC. An LLC is a created entity Limited Liability Company that person creates to protect their personal assets. The thinking goes, if The Compass Star Cafe and Catering were to be sued for some reason they could attack the business, but not my personal assets (like my house). Clearly you really want a liquor license to be filed in the LLC's name as this can be a huge area of liability.
SO.... 8 weeks ago I mailed in the LLC paperwork to the Secratary of State of California, who oversees these. Three weeks ago I checked to see if they'd cashed my check (they hadn't). Then I tried to call... amusingly enough this was the first time when I "press 0 to talk to a person" that a recording came on to let me know to speak to a real person... I would have to come to Sacramento, go to the 3rd floor and talk to the person at the desk... budget cuts, you know? (Every recording, every web page, every person you speak to will inform you that the Secratary of State's office is pretty much not operating any more due to lack of funding)
So I trudged over to Sac last week, to the third floor and was told... well... she basically told me they are not really processing "those" right now because budget cuts have put them so understaffed they are months behind. BUT if I paid a $15 fee, I would hear back from them in 20 days AND I could check online Monday to see the status of my filing. Which I did.
Meawhile... a minimum 65 time to get a beer/wine license means... I was screwed.
So I headed back to ABC to see if I could file in my name, then when the LLC was done if I could transfer and what that process was. The VERY nice woman at the ABC said, it is taking upwards of 4 months to get a beer/wine license and I could transfer it to the LLC later, it would take one month to get the transfer done but I could continue to serve under my name during that time. WHEW! Done.
What I needed to file for the beer-wine license
- driver's license
- print out of the layout of the facility
- menu
- passport
- about 15 pages of ABC generated paperwork (Which you cannot sign without a witness, either one of theirs, or a notary)
- Check (they don't take cash or credit, only checks, money orders or cashier's checks) in my case the check was for $716.00
I also saw the artwork for the T-shirts which is SO cool!
This is it below
I also noticed the Health Department cashed my check, which I hope means they are getting close to doing my stuff. I need to take down the HVAC and hood stuff tomorrow. Did you know there is a 24 hour Kinko's in town? and that you can email them your blueprints and they will print them out and you can just go pick them up? Pretty cool!
David wanted me to go check out the layout of a new Asian fast food type of place in downtown Lafayette, so I stopped by there today as well. He is totally right that my new cold display case if just too tall for the allotted space and I need to try to back it up to wall like they have done. I changed that around on my layout drawing, but now I am worried it will mess up my process at the HD. I know it seems like a small thing but there is a floor drain involved. I am also thinking I am going to have to kill the two keg kegerator. It is just a huge luxury (space wise) for something that may only be nominally useful. I am not opened at night, so I am not going to get as much of a drinking crowd... so it might be more cost effective and better use of my space for me to stick to bottled beer and cyzer.
I am excited that I got my bungs today! I can case the coppa tomorrow, which I am really excited about. The last batch was SO good but not as spicy as I would like... so I added some cayenne and Italian hot pepper flakes... I think it is going to be really good. mmmmmmm coppa
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