Monday, August 22, 2011

Landlord still is not calling me back...

So there is no new information except what I can track down myself. They do seem to have some kind of plan down at the Planning Dept (which is in the same building as the Building Dept, so they are pretty good at inter office communication) for consideration. I found this out by physically going to the Building Dept and asking Dave Scola and crew. I found out what the tentative plan for the ADA fix was by tracking down the contractor Stan hired and asking him directly. Stan has not returned calls in weeks, in fact I think he is pissed I can't "Wait patiently" for an answer. I think 7 months is plenty patient.

I am losing thousands of dollars in revenue every month. The wait is a real hardship on my Sous Chef's family. It is so depressing. I am not sure if it should make me feel worse or better that our products are so popular we can barely keep stuff in stock. I need my own kitchen. I can only do stuff half assed until I have my own place to store and process products.

I am so burned out. And the hard part is yet to come. You know... the part where I actually get in the kitchen and get started and open the doors to the public. And I can't afford to be anything less than perfect for that part. Did I come here to be a girl? Or did I come here to KICK ASS? Kick ass... of course.

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